Road Trip, Day 16, Narni

Day 16Getting rather warm now…

Bit of an easy day today, had the weekend blog I wanted to get done before I forgot stuff, still buzzing from it all now….

So stayed local ish, well, local on the map but by the time you’ve gone the scenic route it was still probably 60 miles or so we travelled, heading up to 2,200 miles for the trip so far, looks like a service is in order when we get back as the 24k is fast approaching…

Anyway, Narni was our destination today, small town, very much like Todi, just a little mooch around, Paula chatting to the locals now with a new found confidence after our weekend away, me, hello, please and thank you…never any good with languages..

 As always a spot of lunch was found, antipasto & a barley salad for Paula (didn’t sound like something I’d like, meat & cheese for me)

with a steady bimble back, following the river and via a place called Stifone…..

With only a few more days left in Todi before we’re homeward bound, although the talk is the temperature is set to hit 40 degrees…..shorts, flip flops and vest on the bike then, Italian style !

Just kidding…

Eating out tonight…Pizza, and very good it was to, unfortunately the Gelateria is closed on Mondays…double portion tomorrow then 🙂  


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